Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Checklist IT tools/digital systems, English

Checklist for applying IT as a tool with digital systems.

  1. Is a IT tool effective integrated with the digital systems in a company or organisation ? Or are more problems and work created ?
  2. Are the digital systems and IT applications in a company or organisation to old ?
  3. Can the digital systems in a company or organisation integrate flexibel different kinds of components and applications ? Even from old systems ?
  4. Are the digital systems, IT adaptions and applications integrated for (knowledge) employees and clients ? Or is it a complexe chaos ?
  5. Are the (knowledge) employees familiar with IT adaptions. And is there a vision for future developments ?
  6. Is there a vision for the future about the digital systems and the service tools. When business is almost only organised with the internet ? Are contacts with clients be made by internet and is there a vision about this based on customer experience ?
  7. Are externe contacts easy and flexibel controlled by using internet ?
  8. Are the IT tools in a company or organisation continu developped and monitored by specialists for future situations ?
  9. Does certain or important information, (depending on speed) arrive at the target people, quick and automatical. For example knowledge-employees and management ?
  10. Does the flow of information in a company or organisation transform automatically. Or are knowledge-employees spending and working useless effort and time with it.
  11. Is to much time spend on gathering information by the employees ?
  12. Or are they spending time on analysing data ?
  13. Are the digital systems and IT tools applyed for core tasks ?
  14. Is there a efficient reorganisation of tasks by using IT tools and digital systems ?
  15. Is there a digital data back up systeem in a organisation or company ?
  16. Is there a good and necessary answer of important questions about a company or organisation by the IT digital system?
  17. Can the IT digital systeem quick analyse the sales area’s ?
  18. Does the company or organisation adapt digital systems partly or totally ?
  19. And can the digital systeem integrate easy and flexible, knowledgemanagement, operationele, core activities and traiding ?
  20. Can everyone work everywhere on the planet with the digital systeem ?
  21. Can traiding or a businessprocess be started as a first solution by using digital systems and IT tools ? And can it be step by step monitored ?
  22. Can everyone, employees and management follow the proces, traiding and trends with it ?
  23. Can independent different processes be connected to create one big proces. Working as one efficient digital systeem ?
  24. Is the digital information flow in a company be used for simplification of the proces, task and work ? Or create IT tools useless different tasks ?
  25. Does a company has a spending vision for maintenance and running of digital systems and IT tools ? Or once upon a time ?
  26. Is there a clear view about the costs and price comparisations for digital systems, applications, IT tools and alternative solutions ?
  27. Does a company or organisation buy one easy and cheap commercial ICT solution ?
  28. Is there a easy adaptation and development of IT tools, software applications with the digital systeem ?
  29. Also for independant components ?
  30. Can the ICT manager easy control the different internet technologies ?


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